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6 patient data entries collated from reference Winterthun et al, 2005.

allele 1allele 2
Clinical representationSymptomsAge groupPatient ageAge of onsetAge of death
This man developed epilepsy at age 5. At age 16 he developed unsteadiness and was euphoric. He had a right-sided divergent squint and difficulties on upgaze when the right eye would drift outward. Eye movements were otherwise full. There were horizontal nystagmus, absent tendon reflexes, and loss of proprioception distally in the legs. His gait was ataxic. Positive Romberg sign. At age 20 mild dysarthria was noted. Subsequently, he developed finger dysmetria, dysdiadochokinesis and myoclonus involving his arms, diarrhea, weight loss and cachexia, and ophthalmoplegia. Between the ages of 35 and 54 years he had infrequent seizures, but at age 55 he developed treatment-resistant status epilepticus and died. Cognitive dysfunction, axonal neuropathy, status epilepticus.
-status epilepticus
-myoclonic seizures
-demyelinating neuropathy
At age 17, she had an epileptic seizure preceded by tiredness and blurred vision. Visual blurring and poor memory persisted and 5 days later she developed status epilepticus with a focal start in the right arm. Examination showed horizontal nystagmus that did not settle, normal eye movements, and normal peripheral findings except that the deep tendon reflexes were recorded as weak. She returned 3 years later at age 20 with headache and unsteadiness. myoclonus and progressive ophthalmoplegia, ataxia, frequent myoclonic jerks. Cognitive dysfunction, axonal neuropathy.
-status epilepticus
-myoclonic seizures
-movement disorder (ataxia)
-demyelinating neuropathy
-headache/ migraine
Headache, tremor. At age 20, he developed unsteadiness and dizziness. Examination showed upper limb tremor and myoclonus, and titubation. At age 31 limitation of horizontal eye movements was recorded; muscle biopsy was reported as showing no ragged red fibers. Subsequently, he developed limb and truncal ataxia, worsening ophthalmoplegia, pain in his extremities with glove and stocking sensory loss, particularly affecting proprioception, and sudden falls with altered consciousness that responded to anticonvulsant treatment. Sensory ataxia. axonal neuropathy, ophthalmoplegia, demyelination neuropathy, cognitive dysfunction, focal occipital epilepsy.
-myoclonic seizures
-movement disorder (ataxia)
-sensory ataxia
-demyelinating neuropathy
-ragged red fibers
-headache/ migraine
Headache, tremor, sensory ataxia, dysarthria, nystagmus, ophthalmoplegia, cognitive dysfunction, axonal neuropathy, demyelinating neuropathy. She had headaches with preceding visual symptoms diagnosed as migraine that started at age 16. Episodic, involuntary jerking movements involving head and hands developed soon after. At age 18 she had two tonic clonic seizures preceded by poor concentration, confusion, and increased involuntary movements. Examination recorded titubation and myoclonus of the arms diminished reflexes in the legs, and reduced proprioception at the hallux. She has recurrent seizures and frequent headaches. At age 26 cerebellar and sensory ataxia, dysarthria, limita- tion of horizontal and vertical eye movements, and absent reflexes were recorded. COX negative fibers. At age 37 she was admitted with status epilepticus preceded by headache and visual symptoms in the right visual field. She remains ataxic but ambulant with assistance.
-status epilepticus
-myoclonic seizures
-movement disorder (ataxia)
-sensory ataxia
-demyelinating neuropathy
-headache/ migraine
Ataxia, sensory ataxia, dysarthria, nystagmus, cognitive dysfunction, axonal neuropathy, demyelinating neuropathy. This man presented at age 26 with unsteadiness. Examination showed an ataxic gait, cerebellar dysarthria, myoclonic jerks of his head and facial muscles, mild limitation of horizontal eye movement, and horizontal nystagmus in the direction of gaze, with an additional vertical element when looking down. There were distal amyotrophy, absent reflexes in the legs, and a symmetric loss of all sensory modalities below the knee. Romberg’s test was positive. Episodes of depression. At age 31 he has an almost complete ophthalmoplegia, cerebellar dysarthria, myoclonus involving face and arms, truncal ataxia, and symmetric dysmetria.
-myoclonic seizures
-movement disorder (ataxia)
-sensory ataxia
-demyelinating neuropathy
Headaches, a focal epilepsy with secondary generalisation, occipital epilepsy, dysarthria, nystagmus, cognitive dysfunction. Demyelinating neuropathy, axonal neuropathy. headaches preceded by visual symptoms, nausea, vomiting, and unsteadiness diagnosed as migraine. Shortly after, she had the first of a series of tonic-clonic seizures preceded by headache. Examination showed horizontal and vertical nystagmus, gait ataxia.
-movement disorder (ataxia)
-demyelinating neuropathy
-headache/ migraine

1-5 pathogenic cluster assignment of mutations. Mutations displayed without a superscript number are outside of the assigned pathogenic clusters. See cluster definitions for details.

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