MITOMAP: Polymorphic MtDNA Low Resolution Restriction Sites

Detected by Low Resolution Screening of Human Populations

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Last Edited: Jun 01, 2003
Enzyme Cut Sequence Low Resolution Restriction Sites References


These sites have been assigned either by restriction analysis of the entire mtDNA and Southern blots and are accurate to varying degrees, or by restrictioin analysis of short portions of the mtDNA. Restriction sites separated by a slash indicate that the mutation could have occured in one or the other of the listed sites. The symbol "~" indicates that the site gain is somewhere near the indicated nucleotide position. Each nucleotide listed is the first nucleotide of the restriction endonuclease recognition sequence, Genbank NC_012920. Codes for recognition sites are: N=A/G/C/T; P=A/G; Q=C/T; S=C/G; W=G/T; V=A/C. Some references were not included because polymorphic sites were not mapped.
Topic revision: r788 - 05 Mar 2025, ShipingZhang

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