High Frequency Haplogroups

m.13506C>T: 2684 sequences (4.391% overall in the FL sequence set)

For all sequences containing this variant and more frequency details, click here

Lineage Top Level HG Top Level HG
Branch (ltr-num)
HG Branch
L 2676 (40.1%)L0 1664 (98.9%)L0 1664 (98.9%)L0a 697 (99.9%)
L0d 798 (99.4%)
L0f 38 (76.0%)
L0g 10 (100.0%)
L0k 119 (99.2%)
L1 959 (99.1%)L1 959 (99.1%)L1b 346 (98.9%)
L1c 613 (99.2%)
L2 13 (0.9%)L2 13 (0.9%)L2 13 (100.0%)
L5 38 (100.0%)L5 38 (100.0%)L5a 30 (100.0%)

All haplogroup branches containing this variant

HG Branch Sequence Count
L5a30 (100.0%)
L213 (100.0%)
L0g10 (100.0%)
L5b8 (100.0%)
L0b2 (100.0%)
L0a697 (99.9%)
L0d798 (99.4%)
L1c613 (99.2%)
L0k119 (99.2%)
L1b346 (98.9%)
HG Branch Sequence Count
L0f38 (76.0%)
L4a1 (5.0%)
X22 (4.5%)
D4b1 (0.3%)
J1c3 (0.2%)
L3b1 (0.2%)
U4a1 (0.2%)
H2a1 (0.1%)
Total 2684