High Frequency Haplogroups

m.14769A>G: 679 sequences (1.098% overall in the FL sequence set)

For all sequences containing this variant and more frequency details, click here

Lineage Top Level HG Top Level HG
Branch (ltr-num)
HG Branch
L 590 (8.8%)L1 345 (35.6%)L1 345 (35.6%)L1b 344 (98.6%)
L3 243 (10.3%)L3 243 (10.3%)L3f 242 (82.9%)
N 38 (0.1%)F 11 (0.5%)F2 11 (5.9%)F2e 11 (100.0%)

All haplogroup branches containing this variant

HG Branch Sequence Count
F2e11 (100.0%)
L1b344 (98.6%)
L3f242 (82.9%)
L31 (25.0%)
M1a47 (24.5%)
N212 (6.5%)
M761 (4.0%)
I1b1 (2.4%)
U2b1 (1.6%)
J2b5 (1.3%)
H3b1 (1.2%)
R1 (1.0%)
M7a1 (0.9%)
U7b1 (0.8%)
C7a1 (0.6%)
HG Branch Sequence Count
C1c1 (0.5%)
I1a1 (0.5%)
U6a1 (0.3%)
J1c3 (0.2%)
L2a2 (0.2%)
U5a2 (0.2%)
U5b2 (0.2%)
A21 (0.2%)
B5a1 (0.2%)
J1b1 (0.2%)
L1c1 (0.2%)
H1a1 (0.1%)
H2a1 (0.1%)
B4a1 (0.0%)
Total 679