MITOMAP: Polymorphic mtDNA High Resolution Restriction Sites

Detected by High Resolution Screening of Human Populations

Last Edited: Jun 01, 2003 This page is no longer maintained.

Enzyme Cut Sequence High Resolution Restriction Sites References


These anaysis have employed numerous endonucleases, including enzymes with four base pair recognition sites, and have been carried out by either digestion of purified mtDNA with separation of the fragments on acrylamide gels (references); or by PCR amplification of the mtDNA in well-defined or overlapping fragments, endonuclease digestion, and separation the restriction fragments on high resolution agarose gels (references) . Each nucleotide listed is the first nucleotide of the restriction endonuclease recognition sequence. A plus (+) indicates a site gain, and a minus (-) indicates a site loss relative to the reference "Cambridge" sequence, Genbank NC_012920. Codes for recognition sites are: N=A/G/C/T; P=A/G; ; S=C/G; W=G/T; V=A/C. Restriction sites separated by a slash indicate that the mutation could have occured in one or the other of the listed sites. Restriction analysis and/or sequence analysis of mtDNA extracted from ancient tissues and amplified through PCR is not included in this table but it has been used in several studies (references).
Topic revision: r784 - 05 Mar 2025, ShipingZhang

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