MitoTIP Sub-Scoring for Variant 3260G

MitoTIP Scoring Details

rCRS Position rCRS NT Query NT Numerical Scores Percentile Status
Variant Hx and Conservation Variant Location 2° Structure Prediction
3260 A G 11.500 2.244 3.292 17.036 80.80% confirmed pathogenic *
* Additional lines of evidence led to confirmation of pathogenicity for this tRNA variant. Examples of factors supporting confirmation of pathogencity: determination of heteroplasmy levels; correlation of heteroplasmy with phenotype; presence of variant in multiple unrelated affected families; functional cybrid studies; tRNA steady state levels; single fiber studies.

GenBank Frequency Information

L lineages
M lineages
N lineages
Highest hg lineage(s)
0.00% ( 0 / 6672 ) 0.00% ( 0 / 12461 ) 0.00% ( 0 / 41991 ) NA